Coming Forth By Day

Coming forth By day

Storm Constantine

Catalogue Number: MB0203
ISBN 978-1-912241-11-8
358 pages
Released 1st August 2019
81 b&w illustrations
Price: £12.99, $16.99, E15.99, AUD23.99, CAD21.99
Cover Art: Danielle Lainton
Interior Illustrations: Ruby, Storm Constantine & Danielle Lainton
Editor: Louise Coquio

A System of Khemetic Magic Book One

Coming Forth by Day – The Ancient Egyptian term for enlightenment

Through stepping upon the path to ancient Khemet, through affirming it is your purpose to take up the Great Work and evolve, so the work is initiated. My blessings go with you. I open for you the gates of the sky.  -  The Words of Atum

In the city of Heliopolis, people of the fabled land once known as Khemet believed in a creation myth featuring a family of gods and goddesses who shaped the world and the people living upon it. In the eternal darkness of formless chaos, Atum created light and the earth, and then Shu (the air) and Tefnut (moisture), who in turn created Geb (the earth) and Nut (the sky). From Geb and Nut came Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Set. These nine deities – or neteru as they were known in the ancient tongue – were the Ennead. The story of their reign on earth is often passionate and violent, as well as uplifting and moving, mirroring the lives of humankind, but with spiritual lessons hidden within. 

In Coming Forth by Day, Storm Constantine explores the myths of the Ennead and their families – including Horus, Serket and Anubis among others – demonstrating how their stories relate to aspects of our lives, and to our hopes and aspirations, and also how we can learn from these ancient narratives. Through 28 deep and evocative pathworkings and rituals, the author provides a rich and vivid system of magic that the practitioner – whether experienced or a novice – can utilise in the search for self-knowledge, to find inner strength and to help themselves, others and the world around them.

Come seek me in the shadows of my sanctuary. Then let us see that which is hidden by moonlight…  - The Words of Nephthys

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