An Experimental Guide to Understanding and Working with the Classical Elements
This workbook offers a complete course in elemental magic and provides a solid foundation for future independent work. Throughout history, individuals from diverse backgrounds and preparations have harnessed the elemental forces for spiritual enrichment, life balance, practical magic, and more. Though many cultures developed similar (and also valuable) models, our primary emphasis will be on understanding and working with the elements from classical Greek and Hermetic perspectives, with a chaos magic twist.
During your studies, you will:
Become well-versed in key elemental magic concepts and principles
Explore the nature of each element, how it impacts your life, and how you may harness it for personal benefit
Discover the underlying rationale of traditional correspondences, as well as generate your own for personal use
Perform elemental rites inspired by various magical traditions, as well as successfully develop and perform your own
Previous magical experience is helpful but not required. Everyone is welcome to work with the elements!